Sunday, December 6, 2009

Offically Dating

Good evening,

I know it has been a long time but I will strive to do better in 2010.

Let me fill in the gaps:

On the relationship side, things are looking up. As of October 25, 2009 I officially have a serious boyfriend. "I" officially asked me to be his girlfriend and I agreed. "I" and I have gotten much closer and the lines are really getting blurry right now. I think my issue is that I really think all issues out-weighing the good and the bad-but with another person you cannot really do that. I mean "I" is awesome-he is God fearing, he comes from a God fearing family, he is caring, sweet, thoughtful, ambitious, confident, supportive, friendly, a good dancer, the physical attraction, you name it and he is it. He is really a welcome breath of fresh air- a welcome surprise. He has really opened my eyes as to how a guy is supposed to treat a lady. When I am with him it is nice to let down my guard against the world because he is looking out for the both of us. *Where do I draw the line between being thankful and appreciative of him and being overly dependent on him. I know that God supplies all my needs....but can He also use people to supply those needs to me? Jesus help me.

Characterwise he is awesome but then comes the thing of coming from different countries-speaking different languages and having different cultures, the ok attraction, the same height etc. My "B" issue???

Spiritual side. On my spiritual side things are also looking up. In 2009 I have definitely grown in the things of God. When I read the bible nowadays more things come to light and I understand more. Thank u God. In 2009 I actually preached twice-all praise to God.

My only concern now is still keeping God first in my life, having a boyfriend and living my life. How do I combine all things and still let God be the driver of my life? This is all new to me and it's "kinda" giving me a glimpse of what it might be like to have a husband (though I am still far from it). Don't get me wrong:-having a boyfriend is great but it is also hard work and takes a lot of adjustment for someone like me who hasn't dated in about 3 yrs. Before meeting "I" I would not have thought of myself as being a selfish person but with him around- I now realize how much of my life was just centered on me. I mean I was always doing different stuff for different people but it was always on my terms and at my convenience now that I have someone that wants to spend time with me I find that it takes extra effort on my part to include him in all my plans.

I now understand why preachers etc say that when we are single is when we should dedicate our lives to the Lord-because it is much easier. Marriage must be much harder-I thank God for this learning experience-thus while I am still single and have "my" time I will strive to do all that I can for God with my life- I pray that all aspects of my life may glorify God.

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