Sunday, March 29, 2009

God's Voice

My Father, my God,
I thank you for speaking to me today, I really needed to hear your voice.
Thank you for reminding me of Your Power and Your Might.
And that You had me in Your hands and there was nothing I needed to worry about.
Thank You for reminding me that I did not have to be afraid or timid because You
gave me a Spirit of love, power and a sound mind.
Thank You also for reminding me that You have always been there for me no matter what.
As a result, I was finally able to tell B, that I was moving on without him because, I finally had to come to terms with the fact that we were on two different pages. I apologised for all my antics, arguments, assumptions etc.

Surprisingly but thanks to the Grace of God I am fine with this decision. I have told him so I can finally move on. I am putting God first in my life and as the song says..I don't mind waiting. I also find solace in Isaiah 34: 16
Look in the scroll of the Lord and read:
None of these will be missing,
not one will lack her mate.
For it is his mouth that has given the order,
and His Spirit will gather them together.
He allots their portions;
his hand distributes them by measure.
They will possess it forever
and dwell there from generation to generation.

& Gd nite

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